Plant Nerdery

for Plant Parents

The Best Hoya Care Kit

Introduction: The Best Hoya Care Kit

Hey there, plant lovers! If you’ve got your heart set on growing a Hoya, you’re in for a treat. Hoyas are not only beautiful but also relatively easy to care for—provided you have the right tools. Let’s explore the ultimate Hoya care package to ensure your plant thrives indoors.

 care package

Growing a Hoya indoors can be a delightful experience, but it requires a bit of know-how and the right equipment. Here’s a comprehensive guide to everything you need:

  • Grow Lights
  • Timer
  • Lux Light Meter Pro (App)
  • Neem Oil
  • Trellis
  • orchid clips
  • drainage hole mesh
  • Pon or Well-Draining Substrate
  • Fertilizer
  • pH Meter
  • pH up
  • pH down
  • Humidifier

Grow Lights: Shedding Light on Your Hoya’s Needs

One of the most crucial elements for indoor plant care is proper lighting. Hoyas, like many houseplants, thrive in bright, indirect light. But what if your home lacks adequate natural light? Enter grow lights.

Why You Need Grow Lights

Grow lights mimic the natural sunlight Hoyas crave, ensuring they get enough light to photosynthesize and grow healthily. Without sufficient light, your Hoya might become leggy, pale, or fail to bloom. Grow lights solve this problem by providing a consistent light source, especially during the shorter days of winter.

Types of Grow Lights

There are several types of grow lights, but LED grow lights are often the best choice for Hoyas. They are energy-efficient, long-lasting, and produce the full spectrum of light that plants need. Position the grow lights about 12-18 inches above your plant and adjust based on its response.

grow lights_hoya care package

Setting Up Your Grow Lights

  1. Choose a timer to automate your grow lights, ensuring your Hoya gets about 12-16 hours of light daily.
  2. Adjust the height of the lights as your plant grows to maintain optimal distance.
  3. Monitor your Hoya for signs of too much light (scorched leaves) or too little light (stretched, pale leaves).

Lux Light Meter Pro: Measuring Light Intensity

To ensure your Hoya is getting the right amount of light, the Lux Light Meter Pro app is a fantastic tool. This app allows you to measure the light intensity in your plant’s location accurately.

How to Use Lux Light Meter Pro

  1. Download the app on your smartphone.
  2. Place your phone near your Hoya to measure the light intensity.
  3. Adjust your grow lights or the plant’s location based on the readings. Hoyas typically need around 10,000-20,000 lux for optimal growth.

Neem Oil: Keeping Pests at Bay

Pests can be a real nuisance for indoor plants, and Hoyas are no exception. Neem oil is an organic solution that helps keep pests like spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs at bay.

Using Neem Oil

  1. Add a cap full of Neem oil in your watering can (3L/gallon).
  2. mix a cap full of Neem oil into a spray bottle
  3. Spray the solution on your Hoya’s leaves, focusing on the undersides where pests often hide.
  4. Repeat every two weeks or as needed to keep your plant pest-free.

Trellis: Supporting Your Hoya’s Growth

Hoyas are natural climbers. Providing them with a trellis helps support their growth and allows them to display their beautiful vines and flowers.

trellis_hoya care package

Choosing a Trellis

  1. Select a trellis that complements your home decor and provides adequate support.
  2. Secure the trellis in the pot, ensuring it’s stable enough to hold the plant as it grows.

Training Your Hoya

  1. Gently tie the vines to the trellis with orchid clips.
  2. As the Hoya grows, continue to guide new growth onto the trellis.

Pon or Well-Draining Substrate: Root Health

Hoyas need a well-draining substrate to prevent root rot, which can be deadly for the plant. Pon, a type of inorganic substrate, is excellent for this purpose, but you can also use a well-draining potting mix.

Creating the Right Mix

  1. Mix orchid bark, perlite, and cactus mix for a well-draining blend.
  2. Ensure your pot has drainage holes to allow excess water to escape.

Benefits of Using Pon

  1. Pon promotes better aeration and reduces the risk of overwatering.
  2. It provides a stable environment for the roots, promoting healthy growth.

Fertilizer: Feeding Your Hoya

To keep your Hoya healthy and blooming, regular feeding with the right fertilizer is essential. Basie Plants on YouTube, who has an impressive Hoya collection, recommends using Rain Mix fertilizer. This specialized blend provides all the essential nutrients Hoyas need, ensuring they thrive and produce stunning blooms.

Choosing the Right Fertilizer

  1. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of around 20-20-20.
  2. Fertilize your Hoya every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer).

How to Fertilize

  1. Dilute the fertilizer according to the package instructions.
  2. Water your Hoya with the fertilizer solution, ensuring even distribution.

pH Meter: Monitoring Soil Health

Hoyas prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH 6.0-7.0). A pH meter helps you monitor and adjust the soil pH to keep your plants healthy.

Using a pH Meter

  1. Insert the pH meter into the soil.
  2. Take readings and adjust the soil pH if necessary using lime (to raise pH) or sulfur (to lower pH).

Humidifier: Creating a Humid Environment

Hoyas thrive in humid environments. If your home is dry, especially during winter, a humidifier can create the ideal conditions for your plant.

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Choosing a Humidifier

  1. Pick a humidifier suitable for the size of your room.
  2. Ensure it’s easy to clean and maintain to prevent mold and bacteria buildup.

Using a Humidifier

  1. Place the humidifier near your Hoya.
  2. Maintain a humidity level of 60-80% for optimal growth.

Conclusion: Bringing It All Together

Growing a Hoya indoors can be incredibly rewarding, especially with the right tools and care. By investing in a Hoya care package, including grow lights, a Lux Light Meter Pro app, neem oil, a trellis, Pon or well-draining substrate, fertilizer, a pH meter, and a humidifier, you’re setting yourself up for success. Your Hoya will thrive, bringing beauty and a touch of nature into your home.

Remember, each tool in your Hoya care package plays a vital role in ensuring your plant’s health and growth. With consistent care and attention, your Hoya will reward you with lush foliage and stunning blooms.


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