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for Plant Parents

Easy Anthurium Care Kit: All You Need for Beautiful Anthuriums


Whether you’re a novice plant parent or a seasoned green thumb, this comprehensive Anthurium care package guide is your key to unlocking the secrets of successfully growing Anthuriums indoors. From creating the perfect lighting conditions to mastering the art of watering and fertilizing, we’ll cover all the essential tools and techniques you need to keep your Anthuriums thriving and happy.

Let’s dive into the world of Anthurium care and explore how you can cultivate these exotic plants with confidence and joy.

To ensure your Anthuriums grow healthily and bloom beautifully, you’ll need a well-rounded care package. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the essential items and tools you need to create the perfect environment for your Anthurium plants.

1. Grow Lights

grow lights_anthurim care package

Proper lighting is crucial for Anthuriums, especially if you’re growing them indoors where natural light may be limited. Anthuriums prefer bright, indirect sunlight, as direct sunlight can scorch their delicate leaves and flowers. Grow lights are an excellent solution to provide consistent lighting conditions that mimic their natural habitat.

  • LED Grow Lights: Opt for full-spectrum LED grow lights that offer a balanced light spectrum similar to natural sunlight. LED lights are energy-efficient and emit minimal heat, making them ideal for indoor plant growth.
  • Placement: Position the grow lights approximately 12 to 18 inches above the Anthurium plant to ensure even light distribution. Adjust the height and intensity of the lights based on the plant’s response.
  • Duration: Anthuriums require about 12-16 hours of light daily. Use a timer to automate the lighting schedule and maintain consistency.

2. Lux Light Meter Pro (App)

To provide the optimal lighting conditions for your Anthuriums, it’s important to measure the light levels in your space accurately. The Lux Light Meter Pro app is a handy tool for assessing light intensity and ensuring your plants receive the right amount of light.

  • Download and Use: Download the Lux Light Meter Pro app on your smartphone and use it to measure the light levels at different spots in your home. Ensure the app is calibrated for accurate readings.
  • Ideal Light Levels: Anthuriums thrive in light levels ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 lux. Use the app to adjust the positioning of your grow lights and ensure your plants receive adequate illumination.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly monitor light levels to account for changes in the seasons and adjust your lighting setup accordingly to keep your Anthuriums thriving.

3. Neem Oil

Neem oil is a natural and effective solution for managing pests and promoting healthy growth in your Anthuriums. This organic pesticide helps control common indoor plant pests like spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs without the use of harmful chemicals.

  • Application: Mix Neem oil with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions and use in your nutrient mix as well as a spray bottle to apply the solution to the leaves and stems of your Anthuriums. Ensure thorough coverage to deter pests effectively.
  • Frequency: Apply Neem oil every 2-3 weeks or as needed to keep pests at bay and maintain the health of your Anthurium plants.
  • Preventative Care: Regular use of Neem oil not only controls pests but also acts as a preventative measure, reducing the likelihood of infestations.
substrate_anthurim care package

4. Substrate Medium for your Anthuriums: Anthurium Care Package

Tree Fern Fiber

Tree fern fiber is ideal for creating a stable, well-aerated, and moisture-retentive environment, especially in high-humidity conditions or for growers looking for a long-lasting substrate.

  • Water Retention: Retains moisture well but does not become waterlogged, making it ideal for Anthuriums.
  • Longevity: Breaks down slowly, providing a stable medium over time.
  • Nutrient Content: Contains some organic matter that enriches the soil as it decomposes.

Cacti Mix

Cacti mix is great for Anthuriums in high-humidity environments or for those prone to overwatering. It can be combined with moisture-retentive materials like tree fern fiber or rice Hulls.

  • Water Retention: Drains quickly and does not hold excess moisture, reducing the risk of root rot.
  • Nutrient Content: Contains minimal nutrients, designed for plants with low nutrient requirements.
  • pH Level: Often slightly acidic, suitable for many tropical plants.

Rice Hulls

Rice hulls are excellent for improving drainage and aeration in potting mixes. They work well when mixed with other substrates to prevent soil compaction

  • Water Retention: Moderately retains moisture but primarily aids in drainage.
  • Sustainability: A renewable resource and byproduct of rice production.
  • Biodegradability: Breaks down over time, adding organic matter to the soil.


Perlite is best used as a component in potting mixes to improve aeration and drainage. It is commonly combined with other materials like cacti mix, orchid bark, or vermiculite.

  • Water Retention: Holds some moisture but primarily used for enhancing drainage.
  • pH Level: Neutral, does not affect soil acidity or alkalinity.
  • Longevity: Does not decompose, maintaining its structure over time.

Recommended Mix for Anthuriums

Anthurim Regale_anthurium care package

Suggested Mix:

  • Tree Fern Fiber: 30%
  • Rice Hulls: 20%
  • Cacti Mix: 25%
  • Perlite: 25%

5. Self-Watering Pot

Consistent watering is crucial for Anthuriums, but over-watering can lead to root rot. A self-watering pot is a convenient solution that helps maintain the right moisture levels without the risk of over-watering.

  • How It Works: Self-watering pots feature a reservoir that holds water, allowing the plant to absorb moisture as needed. This system prevents waterlogged soil and promotes consistent hydration.
  • Benefits: Self-watering pots reduce the frequency of watering, making it easier to maintain optimal moisture levels and ensuring your Anthuriums receive consistent hydration.
  • Monitoring: While self-watering pots are effective, it’s still essential to monitor the soil moisture levels to ensure the plant’s needs are met.

6. Fertilizers: Anthurium Care Package

anthurim care package

The best fertilizer for Anthuriums depends on the growing conditions and specific plant needs. A balanced NPK fertilizer with a higher potassium content, supplemented with organic options like pea and rice hull compost, provides optimal results.

Additionally, integrating foliage fertilization and innovations like nano-carbon can further enhance growth and flower quality. Read the study

Liquid Dirt

Liquid dirt is a concentrated liquid fertilizer that provides a wide range of nutrients in an easily absorbable form. It’s an excellent choice for Anthuriums, offering a balanced mix of macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients.

  • Application: Dilute the liquid dirt according to the manufacturer’s instructions and apply it to the soil during the growing season. Avoid over-fertilizing, as excessive nutrients can harm the plant.
  • Frequency: Fertilize your Anthuriums every 4-6 weeks during the active growing season (spring and summer) and reduce frequency during the dormant months (fall and winter).

Monopotassium Phosphate

Monopotassium phosphate is an excellent fertilizer choice for enhancing the growth and flowering of Anthuriums and other ornamental plants. Its high phosphorus and potassium content supports robust blooms, healthy roots, and overall plant vigor

  • Application: Apply every 4 to 6 weeks during the growing season to encourage blooming and strong root development. Use 1 to 2 grams of MKP per liter of water.
  • Benefits: The balanced ratio of phosphorus and potassium in MKP is ideal for plants that require a boost in flowering and fruiting, making it a suitable choice for ornamental plants like Anthuriums.

Muriate of Potash

Muriate of Potash, commonly known as potassium chloride (KCl), is one of the most widely used potassium fertilizers in agriculture. It is valued for its high potassium content, which is essential for plant growth and development.

  • Application: Spread Muriate of Potash evenly over the soil surface before planting or during the growing season.
  • Benefits: Provides a concentrated source of potassium, making it an efficient way to supply this essential nutrient to plants.
  • Regular Monitoring: Regularly check soil chloride levels, especially if using KCl frequently, to avoid potential toxicity issues.

7. pH Control Kit

Monitoring soil pH is vital for Anthuriums, as it affects nutrient availability and overall plant health. A pH Control kit is a valuable tool for maintaining the optimal pH range for your Anthuriums.

  • Ideal pH Range: Anthuriums prefer slightly acidic to neutral soil, with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.5. Use the pH meter to measure the soil’s pH levels and make necessary adjustments.
  • Adjusting pH: If the soil pH is too high, you can lower it by adding organic matter like peat moss. To raise the pH, incorporate materials like lime.
  • Regular Monitoring: Check the soil pH periodically, especially when changing your watering or fertilization routine, to ensure your Anthuriums remain in the optimal pH range.

8. Humidifier: Anthurium Care Package

Anthuriums thrive in high humidity environments, mimicking their natural rainforest habitat. A humidifier is an excellent addition to your care package, ensuring your Anthuriums receive the moisture they need.

  • Humidity Levels: Aim to maintain humidity levels between 60% and 80% for optimal growth. A humidifier helps create a consistent environment, especially during dry months.
  • Placement: Position the humidifier near your Anthuriums, ensuring the moisture reaches the leaves and surrounding air.
  • Benefits: Proper humidity promotes healthy foliage, reduces stress, and prevents issues like leaf browning and wilting.

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